Study related storage

This kind of storage can be used to store everything that is related to a certain study.

Request procedure

  1. Create an ID for your study at if you do not already have one.
  2. Request the storage via the Userportal.
  3. You'll be notified by the IT department as soon as your storage was created.


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How can I manage the permissions of my study storage?

All administrators of a storage block can grant and revoke permissions via the Userportal.

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How do I get permissions for a certain study storage

Please ask an administrator of the given storage block to grant you permissions like described here. To get a list of the administrators you can use this command which shows detailed information about a storage block.

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How can I get more quota for existing storage?

Please write a ticket containing the following information:
  • Name of the storage block(s)
  • Amount of additional space needed
  • How long is the extra storage needed?

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What are the differences between the two storage types (fast/protected)?

Two different types of storage can be requested per study:

Protected storage

The name of those storage blocks starts with p_. Protected storage is synced to a second server every night. There is no revision based backup but there are snapshots allowing us to restore deleted/modified data in many cases. Please immediately write a ticket if you need something to be restored. The read/write rates are lower compared to fast storage.

Data to be stored here: raw data, scripts, final results, documents, everything that cannot be reproduced

Fast storage

The name of those storage blocks starts with pt_. Fast storage is only protected against disk failures, there is no copy on a second server. The data is gone if the server burns down. There are snapshots allowing us to restore deleted/modified data in many cases. Please immediately write a ticket if you need something to be restored. Fast storage provides a much better performance compared to protected storage.

Data to be stored here: intermediate results, test data, everything that can be reproduced

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How can I show detailed information for a given storage block?

Detailed information about storage blocks are only available on our Linux system. Just open a terminal and enter the following command:

user@host > cbsdata -s [Name_of_StorageBlock]

Hint: If you are working on a Mac oder Windows computer you might want to connect to a Linux system via SSH or our Linux remote access to run the command.

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This topic: EDV/FuerUser > WebHome > StorageStudies
Topic revision: 05 Aug 2024, Wherbst
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