How to book a room


The institute's Groupware service serves as room booking platform. Easiest way of booking rooms is via the Groupware service's Web GUI. However, the services uses standard protocols for inviting people and resources - any PIM application should be able to handle that.

Get a quick overview of the availability of all rooms here.


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How do I book a room

Booking a room is done by creating an appointment and "invite" a room:
  1. Go to the Groupware-Service's Web GUI.
  2. Switch to the Calendar tab and click New Appointment.
  3. Enter the meeting title in the Subject field.
  4. Add attendees (if any) to notify them via email.
  5. Selection of location and time
    • Fixed time
      1. Set the meeting's start and end times.
      2. Click "Suggest a location" and choose a room from the list on the right. Only available rooms will be shown in the list. Alternatively click Location to do a more complex search for rooms.
    • Fixed room
      1. Click "Suggest a location" and choose a room from the list on the right. Alternatively click Location to do a more complex search for rooms.
      2. Set the meeting's start and end times.
  6. Click Send at the top left to invite the room and attendees.
  7. Verify the room's acceptance by checking if it's marked green in the appointment properties.

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How to book a room (illustrated instructions)

Booking a room is done by creating an appointment and "invite" a room:
  1. Go to the Groupware-Service's Web GUI
  2. Switch to the Calendar tab and click New Appointment.
  3. Enter the meeting title in the Subject field.
  4. Add attendees (if any) to notify them via email.
  5. Selection of location and time
    • Fixed time
      1. Set the meeting's start and end times.
      2. Click "Suggest a location" and choose a room from the list on the right. Only available rooms will be shown in the list. Alternatively click Location to do a more complex search for rooms.
    • Fixed room
      1. Click "Suggest a location" and choose a room from the list on the right. Alternatively click Location to do a more complex search for rooms.
      2. Set the meeting's start and end times.
  6. Click Send at the top left to invite the room and attendees.
  7. Verify the room's acceptance by checking if it's marked green in the appointment properties.

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How to cancel a room booking

Canceling a room booking involves canceling the corresponding appointment, which notifies all attendees, including the room, via the Groupware server. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the Groupware-Service's Web GUI.
  2. Switch to the "Calendar" tab.
  3. Right-click on the appointment you wish to cancel.
  4. Choose Cancel.
  5. Click Send Cancellation to remove the appointment and free the room.

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How do I get an overview of availability of rooms in Zimbra?

  1. Open Groupware-Service's Web GUI.
  2. Go to Preferences and click Sharing.
  3. Under "Folders that have been shared with me but not yet accepted" click Accept for the calendars you want to see in your personal calendar overview.
  4. Switch to Calendar.
    • Tick the calendars you want to see
    • or click the cogwheel and then Check All.

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How do I get support for my (hybrid) presentation?

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This topic: EDV/FuerUser > WebHome > BookingRooms
Topic revision: 30 Jul 2024, Wherbst
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