---+ Language support on Linux workstations Permanent Link: topicbacklinks


The default setup on Linux workstations is currently:

  • a German keyboard incl. German keyboard mapping
  • American English language in applications (e.g. menu entries)
  • American locale. This includes dates, numbers, etc. being displayed in an "American way". This default will change soon.


How to get different languages in my applications?

Different languages can easily be installed on Linux computers. Request them via a ticket. However, you should consider sticking to English for two reasons:
  • IT staff is perfectly capable of helping you when looking at a German or English desktop. We can't help you with other languages.
  • All FAQs and manuals of the institute assume English UI language.

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How to get a different keyboard and/or keyboard layout?

It's best to contact IT and request a different keyboard. IT will register the respective keyboard centrally which will automatically set up the workstation correctly. You could change the keyboard layout by yourself but this would affect your account only - but on all workstations. The central solution enables you to move between workstations without having to change layouts.

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How to enable languages with lots of characters (Korean, Chinese, ...)?

Please write a ticket.

Some software infrastructure needs to be installed on the workstation which has subtle side effects. This is why IT is hesitant to install it by default on all computers.

After IT installed the software, you'll have to enable the system on your end:
  1. From the "Start menu" select "Settings"/"Input Method" or use the im-config command in a shell.
  2. Follow the "flow" in the graphical assistant. You'll have to enable "Ibus" (a plugin base system for composing characters).
  3. From the "Start menu" select "Settings"/"Ibus Preferences".
  4. Add your favorite language in the "Input methods" tab.
  5. You'll find a symbol in the panel which controls keyboard input options. The symbol shows a two-letter language code. There's another unrelated symbol showing a flag which you can ignore.

Important keyboard shortcuts:
  • Windows-Key+Space : Switch between input methods (in case e.g. you want Korean and Japanese)
  • Shift+Space : Toggle between regular western keyboard input and character composition mode

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This topic: EDV/FuerUser > WebHome > LanguageSupport
Topic revision: 27 Jan 2025, Burk2
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