Help on per-user reports

Report pages contain data related to a single user condensed to one page. The idea is to provide users with a way to quickly overview all IT related resource use in the institute. This page contains help about per-user report pages.


The storage section shows all the managed storage you have write access to in the institute. More precisely:

It doesn't include
  • local disks (/LOCAL, /NOBACKUP, /SCR, /tmp, ...),
  • "t" StorageUnified storage blocks and
  • storage outside the institute.

Find explanation of the storage table columns in the table below. Numerical columns can be sorted.
Field Description
Location The address of this storage. Depending on the storage, this is a URL or a Unix (Linux) path. If it is a path, there are usually other ways of accessing it. For StorageUnified storage blocks (starting with /data ), use the
cbsdata -s [storageblock]
command in a Linux shell to find out more.
Slice[GiB] On shared storage to which you have write access: The storage size in GiB divided by the number of users having write access.
Size[GiB] The current size of the storage in GiB.
Quota[GiB] The current maximum size of the storage in GiB.
Usage[%] The used size relative to the maximum size. 100 (%) means, the quota is fully utilized. More than 100 means, at least some of the temporarily added storage is being utillized.
Protection The protection level applied to the storage, incl. a link to a detailed description of the protection level.
Temporary addition [GiB] Amount of storage in GiB temporary added to the storage (if any).
Temp left[days] Number of days, the temporary added storage is still available plus the date this equals.
Warnings Anything you should be aware of regarding this storage.

The net storage footprint is total of storage requirement, IT considers you associated with--e.g. the sum of your slice values.

This topic: EDV/FuerUser > WebHome > HelpOnReports
Topic revision: 05 Aug 2024, Wherbst
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