DFN Fernsprechen

The service provider DFN offer the service "DFN Fernsprechen" to communicate via softphones and VoIP.



  • On your smartphone, you can use the app 'DFN VoIP-Centrex'.
    VoIP-Centrex in Browser

Assigned Numbers

  • The Institute had got assigned the following number range: 0341/9940 900 - 999


  • The Insitute has a range of 100 extension numbers. Every used extension number, which is assigned to a person, costs the Institute a monthly fee.
  • The primary usage is
    • probands recruitment and arrangement of appointments and
    • forwarding your telephone from office to home office

How to get a VoIP number?

Please write a ticket to the IT.


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How can I change my voicemail?

You can modify your voicemail according to the instructions provided in the service provider's brochure.

Please ask IT when you need your password for the voicemail settings.

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Can I use the extension number 9XX from my desktop phone in the Institute?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. The telephone system of the Institute is not directly linked with VoIP system of the DFN. Any call is routed over the switchboard, and that's why you have to dial the whole number.

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No matter which number I am dialing, I am calling myself in a circular closure...

You have to change the menu point "Call with" from "Desktop phone(s)" back to "App" in the settings of the web frontend.
menu point 'Call with' in the web frontend

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Can a VoIP number be shared among multiple individuals, such as for a study?

Yes, that works. Several people can use the email address of a mailing list for VoIP telephony.
  • Several users can be signed in via the same account.
  • If a new user connects via app or browser, one has to create a new session. These sessions can run simultaneously.
  • It is also possible for several people to make telephone calls via this account at the same time.
  • If a call is made to the VoIP number, everyone receives a notification.

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I am facing difficulties with the VoIP-Centrex App on my mobile phone. I am not able to take a call.

Please restart your mobile phone. It has been shown that some issues may occur with a prolonged run time of the app on mobile phones.

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This topic: EDV/FuerUser > WebHome > DfnFernsprechen
Topic revision: 02 Apr 2024, Wherbst
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