---+!! Conference Room A210 Instruction Manual


  1. Turn on the computer gromo3.
  2. Turn on the Bluetooth keyboard on the table.
  3. Log in with user, user.
  4. Start Zoom.

Using the beamer

  1. Turn on the beamer with the remote. (The display from the right monitor will be shown by the beamer.)
  2. Lower the projection screen.

Start-up for laptop users

  1. Connect the HDMI cable on the table to your laptop. (The display from the laptop will be shown on the right monitor and if applicable on the beamer.)

Adjusting the camera

  • Adjust the camera angle by hand.
  • Use the remote on the desk for zooming.

Before leaving

  1. Turn off the computer and if applicable the Bluetooth keyboard.
  2. Do not touch the screens. They will be turned off automatically!
  3. Lift the projection screen, if applicable.

-- Main.Wherbst - 17 Jan 2023

This topic: EDV/FuerUser > WebHome > SeminarRoomsInstructionManual > ConferenceRoomA210
Topic revision: 17 Jan 2023, Wherbst
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